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Uncertainty in a financialised world

This online meeting of the School of Management’s Accounting, Governance and Organisations thematic research group (AGOG) will welcome sociologist of finance Dr Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou, from UCL.

He will speak about his forthcoming book, Speculative Communities: living with uncertainty in a financialised world.

Dr Komporozos-Athanasiou describes the book as an “alternative critique of finance capitalism, which centres on the historically generative role of speculation in shaping political, social, and even intimate everyday life under conditions of radical uncertainty”.

He says that the approach he takes in the work is “interdisciplinary, combining economic and historical sociology with social theory to develop a new conceptual framing of ‘financialisation’ and the ‘counter-speculative’ political movements arising in response”.

Further details about the seminar have been circulated to group members.

3 July

Populist technologies and the new spectacle of finance

7 December

Living with uncertainty in a financialised world